I have been receiving signs from my mother for decades now. My mother is gone 47 years. She sends me pennies. When I just typed the word “pennies,” auto correct changed the spelling to Penny!! It capitalized the “P” and made the word singular. I had a dog named Penny (She came with the name.). That was a hello from my Penny who passed over a decade ago!

Pennies appear all over the place for me, out of nowhere. How did I know they were from my mother? We would be walking in Philadelphia on a Saturday afternoon shopping. It was something we did from time to time, and my mother, who lived through the depression, would bend over and pick up a penny she spotted on the sidewalk. This happens enough times that I can tell you without a doubt, my mother is sending them.

The realization that my father had never sent me any signs that I have noticed occurred to me about a year ago. He was “gone” 34 years at that time. And wouldn’t you know that shortly after that realization, dimes started to miraculously appear! The inspiration for writing this blog partly came from finding a dime a short while ago today. Interestingly, the increase in value of the coins that I am receiving from my father seems to have something to do with my father passing 12 years after my mother. Inflation of the early 1980’s caused my father to up the anti!

The best story so far for a sign from a dog that has passed is from a client who told me that the mom, dad and son all saw the indentation in the cushion of the dog’s pillow on his bed that had not been moved after his death. This happened many times after Buddy’s passing. It was like he had come back and made himself comfortable in the kitchen with the family while they dined on their meal, just like he did when he was here on Earth.

What other signs could you expect from your deceased pet or family member or friend? Feathers are a common sign. Butterflies and birds are another common sign. Of course, there are the flickering lights a lot of us have heard of and maybe experienced. Or have you been thinking about a pet you loved and a moment later you see a dog walk by with its owner that looks just like your passed pup? Or the name of that animal is on a truck or license plate you pass on the road? That has happened to me. Or have you heard a meow or a bark in your home when you cat or dog is long gone?

Maybe you have not noticed any signs. I can ask your pet that is on the other side what signs he or she is sending that you may have missed. And if you want to know what signs a deceased love one is sending, I will connect with your guides and ask them. Make an appointment for a reading and we can find out together!

Do you see the penny by the left leg?

pet psychic, animal communicator, animal communication, intuitive, psychic, animal psychic, pet behavior, dog behavior, cat behavior, pet medium, dog medium, cat medium, animal medium

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Meditations with or without your Pet!


What my dog taught me.